Title: Watching the rain Rating: G Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue Character: Logan Spoilers: The Return of Kane Summary: Logan watches the rain fall Word Count: 100
Ok before I post the new challange..wanted to post my drabble for this week
Title: Together Rating: G Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue Pairing: Veronica/Weevil Spoilers: None Summary: Veronica and Weevil on Halloween Word Count: 100
It's raining today. I don't really feel like going outside. I don't feel like doing anything. I Miss Lily. I miss Duncan. Maybe Logan. I may or may not miss my mother. I miss my virginity, or at least the idea of knowing where it was. Only I could make a thing like virginity sound like a sock or an old mix tape . I miss the mix tape Lily
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My first ever try at a drabble. Probably my last. I like rain, I like Veronica/Weevil. But...I should probably never attempt a drabble again. ;) Not my forte.
My first drabble here! POV is Logan, incident inspired by my cousin this past Halloween being completely inept at bobbing for apples despite turning eighteen in a month.